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Obruni. It is a Twi word meaning “outsider,” “foreigner,” me. It is commonly used in Ghana and while it does not carry a negative...
Amboseli Safari

Making Dreams Come True in Kenya

My dream of living in Africa and the creation of Our Eyes on Africa started with my first trip to the continent in the late nineties,...
Uganda Parks

Going With the Flow in Uganda

The Lonely Planet proclaimed it the top destination in 2012, yet Uganda is still a hidden pearl, writes Geoff Power. WITH a month in Uganda,...
Kenya Family Safari

Going on Safari in Kenya with Kids

It's difficult to take a gourmet lunch menu seriously with hippos blowing bubbles and breaking wind in the background. Of course, our nine-year-old twins,...

Welcome to Mali

Mali is a landlocked country; in the Sahel region in Africa. Mali is a third world country, but it is very beautiful as well....
Benin Vodoo Men

The Five Wise Men of the Voodoo Trail

The feeling was unfamiliar. Alone, I sat on the splintered wooden bench while the passersby sized me up with skeptical curiosity. Their skin glistened...
Cape Town Beaches

Cities and Landmarks to Visit in Africa

1. Cape Town- South Africa- I feel South Africa has a lot of value and appeal for many people. Europeans and Americans who are planning to...
Tanzania Safari

How to Get the Best from Your Tanzania Safari

Tanzania has three main safari areas, the Northern and Southern Circuits, and Western Tanzania. Travelling between each is a challenge, so most visitors tend...
Botswana Safari

A journey Through Northern Botswana

Written By: Warwick Henry The drive from Ghanzi to Maun was quicker than Don and Sarah expected, which suited them fine: northern Botswana awaited! Once...
Victoria Falls

Discovering the Wonders of Smoke that Thunders

Musical, sporting and cultural celebrations will mark Dr. David Livingstone's bicentenary from March to October in southern Zambia this year. Zimbabwean-born Caroline Hurry returns...
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