With summer just around the corner, now is the perfect time to start thinking about booking your summer vacation.

While many of us look forward to getting away for a week or two, what we don’t enjoy is the stress that comes with it. Planning a holiday, especially a holiday for a larger group of people, can be incredibly stressful.

Planning any trip can be stressful. There are worries about where to go, who to invite and how much to spend, but the key is, to remember that holidays are meant to be relaxing and fun.

Here’s our guide to five simple ways you can take the stress out of summer vacation planning.

1. Get an idea of what you want

One of the main factors that cause stress when planning a holiday is not knowing what type of trip you want. With so many different vacation packages to choose from, it’s no wonder we end up feeling stressed out.

Get a clear idea in your head of what you want. Think about where you want to go, who you want to go with and how long you want to go for – knowing in advance will take a lot of the stress out of the planning.

2. Be organised

Once you know what you want from your trip, get organised by doing lots of research. Find out what is on offer in the area, where the best deals are and how much the trip will cost you.

Go online and use TripAdvisor to read up on different destinations – this should give you an idea of the most suitable places for you to visit. If you are unsure about what a certain holiday package offers, take the time to find out.

3. Make travel simple

One of the most stressful parts of heading off on holiday is the travel arrangements. Spending hours waiting around in an airport is not an ideal start to a holiday for anyone, especially with all the stress this may cause.

If you want to make your travel to your holiday destination as simple as possible, consider using jet charters instead of public planes. This cuts out the stress of waiting around in the airport for your plane and gets you to your destination much more quickly.

4. Be prepared

Once you have booked your trip, take the time to check that all passports are usable and still in date. Store them in a safe place, and make a note of where they are. It is also important to gather all other travel documents together and store them with your passports.

Don’t leave this until the last minute, if there is a problem with any of the passports of other documents this will cause a lot of unnecessary stress.

5. Let the small stuff go

It’s only natural that you want your holiday to be perfect, but if you spend your time worrying about the small things you are going to end up feeling very stressed.

Instead of worrying about every little thing, let the small things go. If the hotel suite you requested isn’t available or the restaurant you planned to eat at is fully booked, don’t stress about it.

Live in the moment and just have fun. Trust us, you will enjoy yourself a lot more.

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